Patient Advice
General Dental Topics
Acid Wear
An increasingly common condition affecting the teeth of many patients, but particularly teenagers and young adults. It is caused primarily but acidic drinks and foods and can quickly cause considerable tooth damage.

About Bruxism
Bruxism is the term used for excessive clenching or grinding of the teeth that is not part of normal chewing movements.
Dental Implants
Dental implants provide us with the ability to replace a single missing tooth, or a full arch of teeth.
Endodontic treatment
Endodontic treatment (root canal therapy) is the process which enables the retention of many teeth with damaged nerves.
Healthy Snacks for Healthy Teeth
Blackburn Dental Group’s guide for parents to help them make healthy snack choices for their children.
Protecting Tiny Teeth
This is an informative video about the “five two” rule of eating and drinking in relation to acid wear and what causes dental decay in children’s teeth.
What is Cerec?
Cerec is a computer-aided method for creating tooth coloured ceramic restorations in a single visit.
Post Care & Emergency Dentistry
Care of mouth after extractions
Advice on care of the mouth and recovery from an extraction including fluid and food intake, pain management, what to expect.

Maintenance of Dental Implants
Preventing bacteria and how to clean dental implants.
Mouthguard Care
Practical advice about the care and use of a custom fitted mouthguard.
Post Implant Surgery
Advice and care during recovery from dental implant surgery.
What to do if a tooth is knocked out
Procedures for when a natural tooth has been knocked out, particularly with regard to children. (With acknowledgement to the International Assoc. of Dental Traumatology).
After Hours: Emergency Hospital Contact Details
The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne
720 Swanston Street, Carlton Vic 3053
Weekend and public holidays hours: 9am till 9.15pm